Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blog 3 >> A Company’s Health !!! --- ( thoughts from Mahabharath )

Summary :
Health is Wealth!
If employees would work towards the good health of one’s own Body, Mind & Soul ….. automatically it translates into a Company’s Good Health !!!

How ?

Explanation :

I came across the following interesting ‘screen’- shot !

…..This is a scene from the Mahabharath…..the Youngsters have all gathered in the dining hall for having dinner.
Bheeshma poses a question to them…..

Yudishtira shares from his plate and feeds the person sitting adjacent to him,
but, Duryodhana always tries to toss the food from his plate up in the air & tries to catch in his mouth... JJJ

+  Juxtaposing the tattva in a modern persepective of A Company’s Good Health

·         The company remains Healthy...
when the constituent teams remain Healthy...
·         The team remains Healthy...
when the constituent individuals remain Healthy...
·         The individual remains Healthy...
when his/her 3 constituents remain Healthy (Body, Mind & Soul....!)

How best to keep one’s body, mind & soul healthy ?

Will Power !!!
To start with ….one must ofcourse focus on ones areas of development.…but wait,wait,….that gives only 50% of one’s health, will that complete one’s health ???

Take a look at the colleague in ones adjacent cubicle !!!

What does one see ?...... ;-)

Ok...ok...leave it at that...!

Developing an interest for the professional & personal ‘support’ for the ‘other person’, a strategy espoused in the above ‘screen’- shot, automatically completes the health of one’s Body, Mind & Soul !!!

Healthy Employees >> Healthy Teams >> Healthy Company >> Wealth !

The above tattva is perfectly valid in one's personal life as well !

Thanks for the reading !

Best Wishes,

Karthik M V

A side note :
Maharishi Ved Vyas – was an exemplary in the Vedas.
But he knew that the common human being (like us!) may not have the guidance & time & ability to learn the Vedas and obtain benefits.
So he wrote the Mahabharath in a special way, such that, all the essence of the Vedas was captured in the story sequence.

Enjoy Mahabharath … !!! It’s a true story !!!

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Bangalore, India
I am an Engineer by Profession. I faithfully believe -- I am not a 100% perfect individual :) known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean !!! My 'self ' keeps undergoing constant changes, with new experiences, influences & environments. My goal is ... I want to demonstrate, that, in this modern society, regardless of ones ethnic back ground....there exists a unique special path in life, which is a fine blend of Vedic Spirituality & Modern Day Materialism; Enjoyments. I feel that the knowledge I gained must be shared for enriching other peoples lives. All my blog-posts have originated from my own original deep introspection of the Ups & Downs I have gone through, and also the Ups & Downs I have seen in a few others lives. My blogs also cover aspects of tourism & leisure & my hobbies. The 'Gurus' that I look upon - range from Resnick Halliday (Physics Author) Paramahansa Raaj (Indian American Astrology Expert).... I am looking forward to Add a few more names in the coming future :) Thanks for your reading !
